Look, I'm about to pull out every hair on my damn head! I promise you I am not kidding. I can not describe the level of my overwhelmedness. I feel so alone. Is this adulthood? Is this me being independent? Yall can have all that shit. I am moving in with my man and I am nervous as fuck. The challenges that we have to face together is making me want to run away! I'm so nervous! We have countless amount of odds stacked against us. I just don't know what I expected this to be. I just thought this would be easier, everyone would be happy for me, I would have a huge party with my close friends and family. None of that shit happened. Like wtf... I'm not even mad as much as I am feeling like have I just continuously invested myself into the wrong people. Or this is just adulthood and I'm just being a big baby about the whole thing.

All I know is that I'll be working my ass off for the next few months, getting inventive about different streams of income, because I have changed the game. My expenses have gone wayy up. I just need to go ahead and schedule that appointment with my therapist and doctor cause I need that good ol add medication to keep me on track. ...too emotional to finish


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