Have you seen her?

Naturally, coming back from Full Figured Fashion Week, I am so  inspired!!! (Why do we always need an event for us to relate to, to get us back on track?) It's been a while since I have blogged :( Anywho, I had such an amazing time at Full
Figured Fashion Week, it was almost surreal! I had the pleasure to meet both Tulin and Reah from the one and only "Plus model magazine" I almost had Tulin in tears with my story of how Plus model magazine has opened doors for the plus size woman all over the world... but I promised I wouldn't make her cry :) But ladies of Plus Model Magazine if you are reading this... We humbly thank you for stepping out on faith to create this magazine! It has shown the world that plus size woman are too in fact beautiful. It has also opened the door for plus size businesses giving them the chance to reach women all over the world. Women who had no idea that fashion is an option available to them even at size 32! We appreciate you! We even got the chance to be in a plus model magazine photo shoot!!!! Us! Real Divas are LARGE!     Can you stand it!!!??? We got to chit chat and dine with the editor and chief of Daily Venus Diva! This too is another media outlet for the plus size woman. Dealing in health, fashion, relationships and other areas of a woman's life with a chunky feel! We simply adore these founders and operators of this magazine. We thank you guys for being daring enough to write from a plus size woman's point of view, giving women all over the world a voice! Allowing us to know that we are not alone in this. Recognizing our differences and celebrating them! Thank you so much Daily Venus Diva! Goodness, I'm trying not to tear up over here! But it was really that type of weekend! 

The thing that stood out the most for me was the sisterhood! Everyone was kind and caring, they gave us a chance to share our business with them but they also gave us a chance to get to know them outside of what their profession was. It was truly remarkable. I love how these women who were absolute Beast in their fields were so down to earth! I was able to chat with Savannah Red's owner Anslee Connley and she convinced me that to get that pink skirt that she made... (I'm an all black gal) and I simply killed in that skirt!!! Thanks Anslee!!! I adore that ability to step away from your title and just relate to people on a human level. As we know, not everyone possesses that skill. If you know anything about me, you know that I simply adore a flash mob... and we got to experience one, in the middle of TIME SQUARE! That moment I will never forget... for a number of reasons lol! We sipped cucumber vodka water, lol,  in the middle of Bloomingdale's while watching a fashion show...this was definitely confirmation that this is something I could spend the rest of my life doing with utter enjoyment. I mean this whole event was work, but it was pure enjoyment. I thank God that he has allowed me to create a job for myself that does not consist of work! 

I have decided that I will be going full force from now on. I will ensure that everything is in the flow of my original vision. I have seen what hard work and dedication can do for an individual and business... and the bottom line is "I WANT IT"!!! No one is exempt from fulfilling a dream and we can all agree that no one can ever stop us from doing anything... other than us! So I challenge everyone of you with a dream in your heart to give yourself permission to give it 100% to see how far you can go!

Here are just a few sites for you to check out, phenomenal people that I have met during full figured fashion week!


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