Oh they tried it...
Why they always play with us. Now whether or not Sir Usher hit that or not... WHY THEY ALWAYS PLAY. Yes, I am purposely being grammatically incorrect... this will be the last time we discuss this. Anywho, why is liking big women still a secret?! Boo the cat is all the way out of the bag. The secret is out! I'm so sick of this pandemic of men and women pretending like they don't love us. I'm sick of the post outing the down low #chubbychasers. Babyyyyy listennnn... you like what you like. Embrace it or be without us. No more sliding in the Dm's, meeting after dark, or hidden love and affection. That's over boo, it's done. We don't want it! We ( women of grandeur) have discovered our value. We have learned to embrace our curves, rolls, lumps, and bumps. We stand in the mirror NUDE for seconds AND minutes admiring what God created. We have created our own stores, where we can dress to impress ourselves. Groups were developed all over the glob